Tuesday 9 March 2010

Sarah Jessica Parker Is Stunned To Discover Witchcraft In Her Family

Sarah Jessica Parker, of Sex In The City and Hocus Pocus fame , was stunned to discover that one of her ancestors was a vicitm of the Salem Witch Trials. Sarah, who was participating in the American version of the popular British series Who Do You Think You Are, scarsly escaped being burnt at the stake as a witch, during her search through her family roots.

She was relieved to discover that her ancestor, called Ellwell, was saved when the court was disbanded just weeks before her trial.

For more on this story click here

Who Do You Think You Are (American) starts begining of March 2010

1 comment:

  1. At the Salem witch trials, as with most other witch hunts, the people found guilty were hanged, not burnt. Burning at the stake was for heretics, not witches.
