Wednesday 27 January 2010

Vatican Slams Avatar: Warns Against Nature Worship And Paganism

Vatican Slams Avatar: Warns Against Nature Worship And Paganism

by Yuliya Talmazan
January 12, 2010 at 05:04 pm

Vatican has slammed James Cameron's epic Avatar, warning against the message of nature worship and paganism. Vatican Newspaper L’Osservatore Romano has published commentary of Vatican spokesperson Federico Lombardi regarding the newly released movie Avatar that has dominated the box office ever since its release, and is well on its way to becoming the top grossing movie of all time.

Vatican criticized Avatar for having “few genuine emotions” with nothing much "behind the images." Vatican said the movie was far from being in the same league with other sci-fi masterpieces due to its "overly simple anti-imperialistic and anti-militaristic parable."

But, it seems the biggest problem that Catholic clerics have with Avatar is the movie's hint of paganism, an archaic belief system based in nature worshiping. Vatican spoke against the idea propagating the idea of ecology as "the religion of the millennium." Vatican warned against the worship of nature as it is portrayed in Avatar, in which the people of Pandora worship mother goddess Eywa. Lombardi says in Avatar nature is no longer a creation of God to defend but a divinity to worship.

Direct Link to Article

Thursday 21 January 2010

Brigid's Cross

This nice simple craft piece for Imbolc is ideal for children and adults alike and comes from a wonderful book by Glennie Kindred called 'Sacred Celebrations.' I found some various examples around the net. Hope they inspire you all.

You will find a link for each page under the images.


Linda's Handcrafts

Brigid's Cross ~

Traditionally made to hang on the door or in windows at Imbolc (similar to God's eyes). Traditionally woven out of grass, straw, rushes or vines. If you are using dried materials, soak them in hot water first to restore their flexibility. You can also use wool. Natural woven wools are the most interesting, but children like to use bright colours.

  1. Begin by binding two sticks together which are equal length. Silver Birch sticks, Willow or Rowan would all be appropriate wood for the symbolism and significance they represent.
  2. Tie on the first piece of wool, straw etc, wind it over the first twig, wrapping it around the twig once before moving on to the next twig. Wind it over and round this twig in the same way. Continue round and round in the same pattern, tucking in the ends. These beautiful weavings represent the all-seeing eye of Brigid, to watch over you through the coming year. Shells, beads, tassles or feathers can be hung from it or woven in as you go round. You may try three or four sticks  together to make them more elaborate and experimental. Old crosses from last year should be ritually burnt to release the old year and open the way to moving forward.

A Solitary Imbolc Rite

This nice and simple ritual is by someone called Oaktree.  It is druid based, but I think it is suitable for most celtic pagans. I've had this ritual on my pc for a while and cannot remember where it came from.

I do hope you all enjoy this lovely ritual. You could also add Brigids/Brighids cross to your alter.


The Ritual:

The earth is quickening like a child in the belly of its mother. The light is returning, and with it comes the promise of new life. Thus we honour Brighid, Goddess of Healing and Fertility, Goddess of Smiths, Goddess of Poetry.

You will need:

A bowl of water with 3 white candles already firmly inserted. (Floating candles are ideal.) 3 candles are used to signify the triple aspect of the Goddess. I strew a few rowan berries, dried rose petals or bay herb into the water too.

A glass of mineral water

A few spring flowers, preferably snowdrops, or other spring flowers

Some matches.

Place the bowl in the centre (of where your circle will be.) Place the spring flowers by the bowl, along with the matches and the glass of mineral water.


Salute the 4 directions
Walk deosil from the East to the North East which is the place of Imbolc
Face the centre of your circle.

The long night of Winter is coming to an end
The cold ground prepares to awake from its slumber
Creatures are stirring, sniffing the air, awaiting the call
The promise of new life, and a new awakening

Oh great Goddess Brighid
I hear your call
I welcome you with open arms
And light these candles in your honour

Step into the centre of the circle and light the candles in the bowl of water.

Oh Brigid, Goddess of Fire and Water
As these candles shine brightly
May the light shine in my heart
May this water cleanse and renew me

Drink the glass of mineral water.

Sit and meditate a while on this ritual’s meaning. Also, if you know of anyone who needs healing, now would be an appropriate time to ask the Goddess Brighid to send healing energies to them (if they request it.)

When you are ready, get up and stand once more in the NE of your circle.

O great Goddess Brighid
Bringer of Light and Fire
Mother of the Horned God
Healer of the Sick
Patroness of Bards
I thank you for the honour you do me this day
I ask that your protection
Be not only on myself
And on those whom I love
But on the whole world.

Close your circle.

Invocation To Brighid for Imbolc

Brighid of the holy wells,
Comforter to women in labour
And lambs in the cold fields.
Brighid - eternal flame
Hidden in the heart,
Bring blessings.

Crowned with candles
Cleanser and healer,
Pure as snow
Guardian of the sacred word,
Mystical flame-bearer,
Inspirer of women.

From the book -
"The Celtic Book of Seasonal Meditations"
by Claire Hamilton

Imbolc Law

The wheel is about to turn once again and Imbolc is almost upon us once again. We are heading, to what is, one of my favourite times of year, Spring. The Earth is warming, the sap will be rising, the bulbs are readying for growth. Soon will we start to see, if we hacven't already, these signs, such as the first signs of buds on the trees.

So today I am posting various bits and bobs I have collected on Imbolc. I hope you enjoy them.

This coming weekend I will be gathering with friends for a Heathen blot to honour Frigga who is a Norse goddess. So I am hoping for good weather.

I will also be doing something myself at home. So I send blessing for Imbolc to you all. May all your plans for this coming year be as fruitful as the crops in the fields and the fruit on the trees.


Reki  (Pagan Hare)

February 2 -- Imbolc

Also known as: Oimelc, Candlemas, St Brigit's Day.

As with all Old Tradition observances, this holiday is usually celebrated beginning at sundown on February 1 and continuing through the day of February 2. Imbolc means in the belly of the Mother because that is where seeds are beginning to stir as it is Spring.

Another name for this holiday is Oimelc, meaning milk of ewes since it is also the traditional lambing season in the old world. This holiday is especially sacred to the Celtic Fire Goddess, Brigit, patron of smithcraft, healing, midwifery, and poetry.

A Covens High Priestess may wear a crown of lights (candles) to symbolize the return of the Goddess to her Maiden aspect, just as the Sun God has reached puberty. Weather lore associated with this sabbat is retained by the folk holiday of Groundhog's Day.

The Christian religion adopted a number of these themes, as follows: February 1 became St. Brigit's Day, and February 2 became Candlemas, the day to make and bless candles for the liturgical year. The 'Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary ' adapts the Maiden Goddess theme. The alternative date of February 14 Old Candlemas, Christianized as Valentine's Day is employed by some Covens.

Traditional Foods:

All foods from the Dairy including cheese or sour cream ect... Also Curries and all dishes made with peppers, onions, shallots, garlic and chives are fine. Foods symbolic of the Sun are also appropriate.

Herbs and Flowers:

Violet, Primrose, Snowdrop, Rowan, All of the first flowers of the year.



Sacred Gemstone:


Special Activities:

Light Candles or lamps in each room of the house right after sunset for a few minutes to honor the Sun's rebirth.

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