Sunday 25 January 2015

Almanac 26th January to 1st February

All information from "Llewellyn's 
Magical Almanac 2015" 
Colour and Incense based  on
information used by Llewellyn 
from Personal  Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 26th January
Waxing Moon 
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 11:48 pm
Colour: Lavender
Moon Sign: Aries
Moon enters Taurus 11:37 am
Incense: Hyssop

Tuesday 27th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Black
Moon Sign: Taurus
Incense: Ginger

Wednesday 28th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Topaz
Moon Sign: Taurus
Moon enters Gemini 5:36 pm
Incense: Honeysuckle

Thursday 29th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Gemini
Incense: Carnation

Friday 30th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Purple
Moon Sign: Gemini
Incense: Vanilla

Saturday 31st
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Gemini
Moon enters Cancer 2:09 am
Incense: Sandalwood

Sunday 1st February
St. Brigid's Day (Ireland)
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Orange
Moon Sign: Cancer
Incense: Frankincense

February's Sabbats and Full Moon

2nd Imbolc - Northern Hemisphere
2nd Lammas - Southern Hemisphere

3rd Leo Full Moon 1:05 pm

Monday 19 January 2015

A New Venture

As we approach the middle of January we get ever closer to Imbolc on 1st February. We are already seeing the signs of a fresh start in nature through the first signs of buds on trees and the delicate leaves of daffodils, crocuses,  snowdrops and bluebells.

But it's not just nature that is waking up or making a fresh start.  Many of us in the Pagan community are and I am no exception.

Towards the end of the year my sister, Raven Moon,  invited me to join her in a new venture. A new witchcraft and pagan store that sells hand crafted, hand decorated items done by myself and Raven Moon and also by another part of this tiny coven, Litha SilverMoon.

What are we called? Besom Magic. You can find us on both twitter and Facebook.  And this past few days this little Techy Witch has been busy setting up the website.

I will  share more as we get closer to opening.

But for now. ..
Beannachd to you all and be sure to look us up