Monday 30 March 2015


Chanting is a tool that many of us either know very little or nothing about and just simply don't realise how important this simple act can be. It is simply the rhythmic sound of your voice. This can be speaking, singing of words, such as one word, a God or mantra, or a sound and is more often than not one or two pitches that are called reciting tones. But it can also be simply the repeating of one or two of lines of a song. It can be used for reasons such as meditating, spellwork and raising inner energies. This article really is just touching on the subject. It is as fast as it is powerful, so lets start with Om.

The word Om
Om is one of the simplest chants/mantras and is of Hindu origin.   When you say this word you start with O and draw it out for a few a minute or two before ending with Mmm. So it is Ooooooooommmm, but not pronounced as a Uuu sound as we would normally do. Here's a an example of the sound on Youtube . Though a simple sound it is incredibly powerful. When done correctly it vibrates through your whole body, especially your skull and chest.

A more complex Om chant is Om mani padme hum (or hung in the Tibetan version)Youtube

Chants can be a powerful tool during ritual and spells too. But they can also be an incredible cleanser of the mind, body and soul, especially before you start and should never really be overlooked by us. It is also free. It is simply you and your voice. And if there is a group of you chanting at the same time the energy is beyond measure. It is both powerful and often very moving.

''The Magic Circle' by John William Waterhouse 1886
When many of us thinking of chanting our thoughts immediately go to Buddhism, but you will find it in many of the mainstream religions and of course Paganism, from Wicca to Heathenism.

As I said earlier it can be used during your spells. It helps to raise the energy, focus yours thoughts and intentions as well as giving extra power to your spell. Sometimes all we will do is a chant such as this simple chant for healing grief and pain that can be said aloud or or inside your head whilst you are out walking on a misty or rainy day.

"Brother Wind and sister Rain,
Cleanse my heart from grief
And pain."

You keep repeating this until you feel calmer and do remember to thank the rain and wind for this healing gift. Here's an interesting article Why Do We Do Spell Chanting.

You will find some pagan chants that for me feel more like a prayer as they are multiple paragraphs. The whole point of a chant is that it is a repeated word, phrase or sound. If you start adding multiple paragraphs it is simply a prayer and loses the power of a chant. But you can, as I said, take a song and just use a couple of lines and keep repeating them. for example 'We all come from the Goddess' by Moving Breath. Here are the full lyrics and here is the song on Youtube to give you an idea of rhythm.

Although it is repeated many times, there is only really three paragraphs to this song. I only use the first which is ~

We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain, 

Flowing to the ocean

When I sing it I draw out the word Ocean. 

Here are a few more examples of Pagan Chants you could use. I have also added the Youtube links so you can hear them.

Air I am
Fire I am
Water, Earth, and Spirit I am

- Andras Corban Arthen Youtube

It's the blood of the ancients
That runs through our veins
And the forms pass
But the circle of life remains

- Ellen Klaver Youtube

Earth my body
Water my blood
Air my breath
And fire my spirit

- Author Unknown Youtube

On the Youtube version of this next chant, the word 'Bring' has been changed to 'Show' 

Rise up, O flame
By thy light glowing
Bring to us beauty, vision, and joy

- Author Unknown (recorded by Libana on Fire Within) Youtube

These are just a few examples of what I feel are chants as opposed to prayers. To find out more simply use the powerful tool Google. And don't just use chant as your search but also Mantra and Affirmations as affirmations are often short and make ideal chants.
Mantra Prayer Beads (108)

And before I leave the subject a little something of tools. When we meditate, we often have such aids as candles and incense. 

Chanting is one form of meditation and so shouldn't be treated any differently. You can also use mantra beads to help you keep a count, with out the need to physically count, if you intend to chant for some time. 

Pagan Prayer Beads
Mantra beads or prayer beads can be found on both Amazon and Ebay at very reasonable prices. These can have as many as 108 beads, but you can purchase smaller ones too. And do try Pagan Prayer beads search as this may help you to find something more suitable to your needs.

Also, once you have seen a few examples of chants and mantras, try writing your own. Just remember to keep them simple and only a few lines. Too many lines and you'll lose it's power.

Now relax and enjoy!

~ Pagan Hare

Useful Links

Beth's Pagan Chants (though personally I find some are too long)
En-Chant-Ment ~ Home of Pagan Chants
98 Pagan Chants
Mantras for Precarious Times
How To Use Mantra Beads (108)
Pagan Prayer Beads

Sunday 29 March 2015

Almanac 30th March to 05th April

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2015" 
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from 
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

01st May Beltane - Northern Hemisphere
01st May Samhain - Southern Hemisphere

04th April Libra Full Moon (Pink Moon)
18th April New Moon

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 30th  
Waxing Moon  
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Leo
Incense: Hyssop

Tuesday 31st   
Waxing Moon 
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Red
Moon Sign: Leo
Moon enters Virgo 2:12 pm
Incense: Ginger

Wednesday 01st April
April Fools Day 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Yellow
Moon Sign: Virgo
Incense: Honeysuckle

Thursday 02nd  
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Virgo
Incense: Carnation

Friday 03rd 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 
Colour: Rose
Moon Sign: Virgo
Moon enters Libra 3:07 am
Incense: Mint

Saturday 4th   
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Full Moon 8:06 am Pink Moon!
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Libra
Incense: Pine

Sunday 05th   
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Third Quarter
Colour: Yellow
Moon Sign: Libra
Moon enters Scorpio 3:04 pm
Incense: Heliotrope 

Monday 23 March 2015

Almanac 23rd to 29th March

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2015" 
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from 
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

01st May Beltane - Northern Hemisphere
01st May Samhain - Southern Hemisphere

04th April Libra Full Moon 8:06 am
18th April New Moon

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 23rd 
Waxing Moon  
Moon Phase: First Quarter 
Colour: Silver
Moon Sign: Taurus 
Incense: Narcissus

Tuesday 24th  
Waxing Moon 
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Black
Moon Sign: Taurus 
Moon enters Gemini 9:23 am
Incense: Cinnamon

Wednesday 25th 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Gemini
Incense: Marjoram

Thursday 26th  
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Green
Moon Sign: Gemini
Moon enters Cancer 3:45 pm
Incense: Balsam

Friday 27th 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 3:43 am
Colour: Rose
Moon Sign: Cancer
Incense: Thyme

Saturday 28th  
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Cancer
Incense: Patchouli 

Sunday 29th  
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Gold
Moon Sign: Cancer
Moon enters Leo 1;48 am
Incense: Frankincense

Sunday 15 March 2015

Almanac 16th to 22nd March

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2015" 
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from 
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

***20th March Ostara (Spring Equinox) - Northern Hemisphere
20th March Mabon (Autumn/Fall Equinox) - Southern Hemisphere

20th March New Moon
04th April Full Moon

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 16th
Waning Moon  
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter 
Colour: Gray
Moon Sign: Capricorn
Moon enters Aquarius 6:14 am
Incense: Neroli

Tuesday 17th  
Waning Moon 
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Maroon
Moon Sign: Aquarius 
Incense: Bayberry

Wednesday 18th 
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Yellow
Moon Sign: Aquarius
Moon enters Pisces 6:58 am
Incense: Bay Laurel

Thursday 19th  
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Turquoise
Moon Sign: Pisces
Incense: Myrrh

Friday 20th 
***Ostara - Spring Equinox***
Waning Moon
New Moon 5:36 am
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Pisces
Moon enters Aries 6:28 am
Sun enters Aries 6:45 pm
Incense: Vanilla

Saturday 21st  
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Indigo
Moon Sign: Aries
Incense: Ivy

Sunday 22nd 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Yellow
Moon Sign: Aries
Moon enters Taurus 6:40 am 
Incense: Hyacinth

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Your Full Moon Altar

I thought it might be nice to write a little something on altars. Nothing huge as I have had a long busy day. This also gives me the chance to try a new app on my tablet. So let's see how it goes.

One of the things I did today was purchase some fresh flowers for my altar. I like to put some thought into this and as it's a full moon tomorrow night I decided in simple white tulips.

Now an altar is a very personal thing and nobody should dictate to anyone else how they should decorate. So I shall not be doing that. But I shall share with you how I like to decorate my altar and I shall edit some pics into this blog tomorrow once I have created NY altar.

Now if you are aiming for anything in particular in your ritual such as healing or prosperity you will need to add what you feel is appropriate for your needs. If you need ideas just simply do an search on Google for say 'full moon prosperity altar' and look at images.

By for myself, I shall just give you a brief run down of my basic altar, though I may change my mind on a few things.

As it's the moon in prefer to use appropriate colours such as white and or silver.  So you could have a silver toned or glass goblet, bowls, etc. If not silver then you could use clear uncoloured glass. Cut glass is nice as it sparkles in candlelight, so it's a reflection of the night sky. A glass bowl with floating white candles, also reflecting the moon.

For the cloth you could use plain white cotton, satin or maybe a white cloth with silver thread running through it.Fresh flowers are always nice on an altar, so choose what feels right for you, but make them white. 

Add clear quartz crystals. You could add silver moon jewelry. What ever feels right for you. If  you have Tarot cards, place The Moon card and any other moon pictures on your altar.

As I said at the start, your altar is just that, your altar. So go with what feels right for you. But what ever you do make it special and as personal as possible.

Have a blessed night on Thursday.


~ Pagan Hare

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Full Moon Prayers

As we are swiftly approaching this March’s Full Moon I thought it would be nice to post some prayers and chants you may wish to incorporate into your ritual on Thursday.

Some are specifically for Full Moons and others just seem appropriate for the night in question.

If you have any you would like to share, please by all means add as a comment and I shall include them in a future post. The first one ‘Blessed Goddess’ is one I have written myself to be spoken after I have placed my magical tools in the Full Moons rays to be cleansed.

N.B: To visit the source pages simply click on each prayers title.

Blessed Goddess
By Pagan Hare

Blessed Goddess 
Of the Moon
Cleanse and purify
My magical tools

Cleanse them of negativity
With your silvery rays
Energize them with your
Purifying powers

So that they may
Instill purity and love
In all that I do

So Mote It Be

This prayer has a small ritual for the night. Click on ‘Main Prayer’ to be take to the page.

Main Prayer 

Blessed Lady of the night
who doth the silver-orb'ed
moon convey,
guide me with Your inner light
and lead me on Your Sacred Way/

Within Your eyes reside the mysteries
that spark my longings into fire.
Passions newly freed
envelop me
and shape my soul to
Your desire.

The silvered moon, token of
unceasing change,
resides within my living heart,
while magic fills me,
wild and strange,
and weds me to Your sacred art.

This next prayer is for any spells you do on the night to help make them more potent.

Full Moon Phase 

Abundant Mother,
Moon so bright
Hear my plea upon this night.
Your fertile power lend this spell;
Make it potent, strong and well.

This next prayer comes from a gentleman who is working on illustrations created for his personal art journals of pagan prayers, blessings and spells and he’s been posting the pages on his Deviantart page. They are his own work, so please do not copy them, but do take a look, they’re beautiful.

Full Moon Prayer 
By Brightstone

With your soothing rays of light
wipe away the lines that
worries have etched on to my face.

Surround me with calm and
let me rest in the glow of peace,
encircled me with
the Moon's own light.

Let my concerns and tensions drain away
from me, pouring as water into the Earth.

Accept my troubles
and transform them into wonders.

For this next prayer, stand in her rays and say these words so that you may cleanse yourself.

Cleansing Prayer 
By Lidia Frederico

I cleanse myself of all
selfishness, resentment,
critical feelings for my fellow
beings, self-condemnation,
and misinterpretation of my
life experiences.
I bathe myself in generosity,
Appreciation, praise and
gratitude for my fellow
beings, self-acceptance, and
enlightened understanding of
my life experiences.

This Buddhist Prayer for forgiveness is a nice one to meditate on the Full Moon

A Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness 
(Author Unknown) 

If I have harmed anyone in any way
either knowingly or knowingly
through my own confusions
I ask their forgiveness.
If anyone has harmed me in any way
either knowingly or unknowingly
through their own confusions
I forgive them.
And if there is a situation 
I am not yet ready to forgive
I forgive myself for that.
For all the ways that I harm myself,
negate, doubt, belittles myself,
judge or be unkind to myself
through my own confusions
I forgive myself.

Found this lovely blessing on Pinterest

Full Moon Blessings 
(Author Unknown) 

On this Night may the 
Full Moon shine upon your house. 
May it find you Safe and Sound, 
May she Bless Everything around, 
and May the Goddess keep Us in Her arms. 
Full Moon Blessings.

Here’s a lovely wish prayer for the Full Moon by Mary Jac

A Full Moon Wish 
By Mary Jac

"I wish, I wish, upon the moon,
That my wishes will be granted soon,
These are the things I ask of you –
A happy home, and good health too,
a wealth of friends and peace of mind,
and that special love that’s hard to find.
Dispel my worries, allay my fears,
protect my loved ones and keep them near.
Please keep me safe, with those I love
and bless my life from up above."

This final prayers original author was an American called Reinhold Niebuhr. It has been changed a little over time and I changed God to goddess as I felt it fitted this best.

Serenity Prayer

Goddess, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference

And Finally

On a final note the Full Moon is an excellent time for making wishes, prayers and spells as it is said that the Moon is at her most powerful. So if you are able to take the time to do some of these things, as well as leaving out your magical tools, such as tarot, crystals and wands, for the Moons rays to cleanse and instil her powerful energies, then do.

There are many wonderful sites about the internet that show you some wonderful Full Moon rituals for both solitary and groups. Go and have a look around. And may all that you wish for be granted by the Gods


~ Pagan Hare )O(

Almanac 02nd to 08th March

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2015" 
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from 
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

20th March Ostara (Spring Equinox) - Northern Hemisphere
20th March Mabon (Autumn/Fall Equinox) - Southern Hemisphere

5th March Virgo Full Moon
20th March New Moon

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 02nd
Waxing Moon  
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 
Colour: White 
Moon Sign: Leo
Incense: Lilly

Tuesday 03rd  
Waxing Moon 
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Gray
Moon Sign: Leo
Incense: Cedar

Wednesday 04th 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Topaz
Moon Sign: Leo
Moon enters Virgo 6:58 am
Incense: Lilac

Thursday 05th  
Waxing Moon
Full Moon 1:05 pm
Colour: Crimson
Moon Sign: Virgo
Incense: Apricot

Friday 06th 
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Third Quarter
Colour: Pink
Moon Sign: Virgo
Moon enters Libra 7:52 pm
Incense: Yarrow

Saturday 07th 
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Third Quarter
Colour: Blue
Moon Sign: Libra
Incense: Sandalwood

Sunday 08th 
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Third Quarter
Colour: Gold
Moon Sign: Libra
Incense: Almond