Sunday 31 January 2016

Review: Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have found myself creating a special shelf for books like this one, ones that I am always picking up, reading bits, using for research AMD so forth. When ever you see witchcraft books looking at magical herbalism, this one will be found near the top of the authors bibliography.

Scott started off writing a small book on magical herbalism and he ended up with so much information he had to write a bigger book! Scott had taken great pains to research and read everything he could find on her lore and how our ancestors used them for such things as protection and healing. He managed to gain access to some ancient manuscript's and dusty old books. And all that hard work was well worth it.

If you are wanting, as a witch or even a pagan, and you want to create pouches, incense etc, then this book is a big big must. Not only does it tell you about the herbs, but also whether or not it is poisonous my ingesting, inhaling etc

But if you do decide to purchase this book, make sure it is a recent addition as the medical/poisonous information has been updated in the last 10 years or so!

View all my reviews

Review: The Folklore of Plants

The Folklore of Plants The Folklore of Plants by Margaret Baker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a wonderful book filled to the brim with folklore, much of which corresponds with witchcraft's own plant correspondences.

It looks at how various plants were used as recently as the 1960s in areas where such lore's still prevailed. It looks at how plants were used in healing, finding your true love and protecting the home.

This is a must for any which whose interested in such things and wishes to make good use of such valuable information

View all my reviews

Almanac 1st to 7th February and Imbolc Magical Notes

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2016"
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST)
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

2nd February - Imbolc - Northern Hemisphere (NH)
2nd February - Lammas - Southern Hemisphere (SH)

8th February New Moon
22nd February Full Moon

February Correspondences

Stone: Amethyst
Animal: Otter
Flower: Violet, Primrose
Ruling Planer: Uranus
Zodiac: Aquarius

Magical Notes: 

Imbolc is a very special time as the earth is waking up. Life is starting anew and
the days are now growing longer. Though it is still cold and snowy, depending on
your location. Our winter has mostly consisted of rain and wind, and at times mild.
But the earth is now warming and spring/Ostara will soon be upon us. Just look around
you and you will notice the daffodils have broken through the cold earth and already
flowering in some places. Catkins are already forming on Willows and leaf buds and making
themselves known.

Earlier I posted I posted a short article on Cleansing your home and yourself. You could
add this to your day of honouring Brighid and Imbolc and making a fresh start. Awakening
yourself and your home from the winter slumber.

Have a blessed Imbolc and may all your seeds grow strong and bountiful!

~ Pagan )O(

From Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2016

During this sabbat we honor the Goddess Brigid, the protector of hearth, home,
healers, and smiths. Imbolc falls during a time of great cold ice, and snow. But
deep within the earth life is beginning to stir, and above the earth the hours
of daylight begin to increase. This is a sabbat of fire and light. Honor Brigid by
building a fire in your fireplace or cauldron.

            Remove any holiday greenery left from Yule and burn it in an act of
purification. If you have a cornhusk doll from Lammas, it may also be burned.
Save its ashes and sprinkle them in the garden during spring planting.

            As night begins to fall light a new white candle. Carry it through your home,
pausing as you pass a window, a door, or a mirror. Place the candle on a table. To
honor the increasing light surround it with several small mirrors; let the candle burn.
As it burns, think of the light that burns inside of you. Think of the light you, which
fuels your creativity and imagination. Take a moment to thank Brigid for these things.

            End your celebration by making some hot chocolate. Be sure to top it with plenty
of whipped cream or marshmallows.

~ James Kambos

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 1st
Waning Moon  
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter 
Colour: Lavender
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Incense: Narcissus

Tuesday 2nd
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter 
Colour: Gray
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Moon Enters: Sagittarius 10:50 am
Incense: Basil

Wednesday 3rd
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Incense: Bay Laurel

Thursday 4th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Turquoise
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Moon Enters: Capricorn 7:44 pm
Incense: Jasmine

Friday 5th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Purple
Moon Sign: Capricorn
Incense: Violet

Saturday 6th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Capricorn
Incense: Magnolia

Sunday 24th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Yellow
Moon Sign: Capricorn
Moon Enters: Aquarius 12:59 am

Incense: Frankincense

Thursday 28 January 2016

Imbolc - A Time For Cleansing

Imbolc  is a good time to have an early spring clean. It doesn't need to be to the same extent as you would for Ostara. But a little will help you feel happier and more focused. Here's a few ideas...

  • Get rid of physical and mental clutter.  Take unwanted items to charity/thrift shops
  • Tidy up things in your home and in your mind. Those old magazines (recycle) and books in the wrong place
  • Although most commonly sage is used, Rosemary also makes for a good   purification herb. If you don't have it as a smudge stick, burn some on a charcoal disc. Start upstairs and work your way down. Open all your windows and get rid of all the stale and negative energy!!!
  • Mop floors and wash down paintwork
  • Boil and simmer some rosemary, for a few minutes, strain and allow to cool and use it as a wash on your floors and paintwork to remove negative energies, after you have cleaned them. Or add it to your cleaning water whilst it's still warm.
  • Self cleansing - take a cleansing bath, smudge yourself and meditate. Do a burning ritual to rid yourself of unwanted mental baggage!

Saturday 16 January 2016

Almanac 18th to 24th January and Magical Notes

Image Source:  Lisa Le Quelenec

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2016
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from 
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

2nd February Imbolc - Northern Hemisphere (NH)
2nd February Lammas - Southern Hemisphere (SH)

23rd January Full Moon
8th February New Moon

January Correspondences

Stone: Garnet 
Animal: Snow Goose or Owl, Bear
Flower: Carnation and Snowdrop
Ruling Planer: Saturn

Magical Notes:  

Take A Walk...

The days are now starting to grow longer again. At 4pm it is still light and Imbolc is not too 
far away now. For many of us this winter has been wet, but mild and the signs of spring 
are already showing. Daffodils are or have already broken through. Some leaf buds are 
showing. So why not slip on your wellies and something warm and go and take a walk 
in your local woodland or park. See what is now trying to brake through and what is still 
asleep. Breath in the cool crisp air and clear you mental and emotional cobwebs. 

Today I am thinking about Sunday when myself, my sister and brother-in-law visit the 
old woodland. It has been a while since my last visit, and though on the surface it will 
not look too different, I know, if I look that little bit closer, new life will be starting to 
peak through and I cannot wait. The crispness of the air. The smell of the damp cool 
woodland and the sound of the stream running through fill me with joy.

Full Moon - Wolf Moon

This coming Saturday will be the full moon. This is the perfect time for rituals 
related to divination, protection and prophecy. The moon is also at her most 
powerful. This is the time to perform spells that need an extra kick of power, 
such as healing of any serious conditions, or if you are seeking new 
employment or a new home. Ideally you should start any spell work from 
Thursday, when the moon will start to show as full,  as she is at her 
fullest on Saturday. 
Spells and rituals you can perform during a Full Moon:

² Healing 
² Job and Career 
² Psychic 
² Love 
² Legal Matters
² Beauty 
² Money
² Friendship

Also don’t forget to put out your magical tools, divination tools, crystals 
and any jewelry you wish to be cleansed by the moon. Start placing them 
out from Thursday, but not after Saturday. This is also a good time for self 
cleansing and cleansing your home with sage, rosemary or lavender.

Full Moon Altar Suggestion

As well as the usual items you place on your altar for the Full Moon, such
as mirrors, white candles and flowers, you may also wish to place a wolf 
image or totem to bless your altar with the energy of this months Wolf Moon

I have posted, after the moon correspondences, some incense, 
oils and prayers for the full moon.

The following link is a nice article about the full moon that also includes 
moon folklore, as well as the usual phases and their magical meanings.

Enjoy and have a blessed and loved week )O(

~ Pagan Hare

The Wolf Moon - Ritual

January is called the Wolf Moon because it marks the deepest part of 
winter when many prey animals die of cold and hunger, thus making 
good hunting for the wolves. Wolf energy deals with survival through 
planning and teamwork. The alpha wolf leads the hunts. The beta 
supports the alpha’s decisions. Other wolves come in from the sides. 
The omega is the pack’s peacemaker. By taking different roles, 
they make the pack stronger. 
For this ritual you will need a recording of wolves howling, and 
at least five wolf images. The can be figurines, photos, or whatever 
else you have. Place the wolves in a circle. On your altar and play 
the howls. Invoke the spirit of Wolf support. Think of what qualities 
you have that are like a leader, a follower and a pacemaker. Focus 
the energy of the Full Moon to empower these, your inner wolves. 
Afterwords, turn off the recording; give thanks to the moon and 
the spirit of Wolf. Distribute the wolf images around your home, like 
a pack scouting through the winter woods, so that you may see 
them and be inspired as you go through your day.

~ Elizabeth Barrette
Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook 2016

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 18th
Waxing Moon  
Moon Phase: Second Quarter  
Colour: Silver
Moon Sign: Taurus
Incense: Hyssop

Tuesday 19th
Waxing Moon 
Moon Phase: Second Quarter  
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Taurus
Moon Enters: Gemini 4:13 am
Incense: Ylang-ylang

Wednesday 20th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Gemini
Sun Enters: Aquarius 10:27 am
Incense: Honeysuckle

Thursday 21st
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Gemini
Moon Enters: Cancer 8:28am
Incense: Carnation

Friday 22nd
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Coral
Moon Sign: Cancer
Incense: Yarrow

Saturday 23rd
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Full Moon 8:46 pm
Colour: Indigo
Moon Sign: Cancer
Moon Enters: Leo 2:21 pm
Incense: Patchouli

Sunday 24th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Third Quarter 
Colour: Yellow
Moon Sign: Leo
Incense: Heliotrope

Oil & Incense

Full Moon oil
3 parts rose oil
1 part jasmine oil
1 part sandalwood oil

Full Moon Oil
4 parts gardenia oil
2 parts lotus oil
1 part jasmine oil

Full Moon Ritual Incense 
2 parts sandalwood powder
2 parts frankincense resin
1/2 part gardenia petals, dried
1/4 part rose petals, dried
few drops ambergris oil

Full Moon Ritual Incense 
3 parts gardenia petals
2 parts frankincense
1 part rose petals
1/2 part orris root
few drops sandalwood oil

Full Moon Incense
2 parts orris root
2 parts lavender
2 parts myrrh
2 parts calamus
3 drops jasmine oil
3 drops rose oil
3 drops gardenia oil

Prayers & Chants

Full Moon Blessings 
(Author Unknown) 

On this Night may the 
Full Moon shine upon your house. 
May it find you Safe and Sound, 
May she Bless Everything around, 
and May the Goddess keep Us in Her arms. 
Full Moon Blessings.

Serenity Prayer 

Goddess, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference

Cleansing Prayer 

I cleanse myself of all
selfishness, resentment,
critical feelings for my fellow
beings, self-condemnation,
and misinterpretation of my
life experiences.
I bathe myself in generosity,
Appreciation, praise and
gratitude for my fellow
beings, self-acceptance, and
enlightened understanding of
my life experiences.

By Lidia Frederico