Sunday 26 July 2015

Oracle Card of the Day ~ Embrace Your Sensitivity

~*Oracle Card of the Day*~

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' Embrace Your Sensitivity'

"Your sensitivity is the sacred gateway to your intuition. It's that special, receptive radar that picks up energy and signals. In fact, your sensitivity is one of your greatest assets, and the key to your survival. The more you connect with it, the more miracles and synchronicities you'll attract."

'Crazy Sexy Love Notes' by Kris Carr Artwork by Lori Portka

Removing Negative Energies From Yourself

My Own Image Located on My Instagram Account

Merry Meet to all my followers...

I wrote a short meme this morning on the subject of cleansing and decided that maybe a full article on this important subject would be a good idea. As I said in my little meme for Instagram, removing negative energy from yourself is just as important as cleansing your tools and your home and sacred space. When you don't you can become clogged. You can feel dirty without it being physical dirt. It's more emotional and spiritual. When you do spellwork, any form  of divination, medium, or healing, this negative energy can carry into your work and may have some adverse effects. So regular cleansing before hand is a must. Equally, after performing any of these tasks, especially if it is for someone else, you should cleanse yourself as you don't want to be carrying this negative energy around with you.

Think of it this way. If you were gardening, decorating etc and you became dirty, you wouldn't finish your task and not bath afterwards? Of course not. Or you would be dirtying everything you came into contact with. Well it's the same with energies. You could be passing these energies onto others either through physical touch or through your work for others. 
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There are a number of ways to cleanse yourself. The most basic of these, and this can be done whilst cleansing your tools before and after your work, is smudging. The most common is a sage stick. But you can also use lavender, rosemary or sweetgrass. You simply light the stick and allow the smoke to pass over yourself. You may also choose to say some form of prayer or chant as you do so. this helps to focus your mind as you cleans your body.

Here is a nice example for a smudging prayer that I found.

Into this smoke, I release 
all energies that do not serve me, 
all negativity that surrounds me, 
and all fears that limit me. 
So it is.

Another way to remove negative energies is through bathing. This could either be a bath or shower. In a shower it is a little more difficult, but not impossible. 

For the shower simply take a thin cotton bag and place in it some seas salt, fresh sage leaves, rosemary (lightly bruise leaves to release oils) and or some lavender flowers. tie the bag to the shower head so it allows the water to pour over the bag and over yourself. 

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For the bath you could do it two ways. Either a similar was as the shower, only you tie it to the hot water tap. Or you could put the bag directly into your bath. Though it is fine to put the salt directly into your water, I wouldn't suggest doing so with the plant matter and or  as this would clog up your drains. You may also wish to use oils.

I would also suggest lighting some candles and maybe burn some incense or an oil burner if you choose to have a bath as this add to the cleansing process.

and like with the self smudging you could use a chant. If you used the above chant, simply change the word 'smoke' for water, salt and herbs (you could name the herb if using only one).

I do hope you find this of some help. Don't forget you can google to find other ideas on the internet and maybe come up with some of your own cleansing chants and prayers or combinations of cleansing herbs and oils.

Blessings to you all

~ Pagan Hare 

Saturday 25 July 2015

Oracle Card of the Day ~ Imagine

~*Oracle Card of the Day* ~

' Imagine...'

"Let your imagination lead you today.  Go with the flow.  You may find yourself inspired when you allow your imagination to run wild. "

Oracle cards 'Words and Whispers Oracle ' by Linda Ravenscroft

Friday 24 July 2015

Oracle Card ~ Comfort

~*Oracle Card of the Day* ~


"The smell of flowers, the warmth of the sun, a favourite chair. 
Take time to enjoy the things that give you comfort today."

Oracle cards 'Words and Whispers Oracle ' by Linda Ravenscroft
Web site:

Almanac 27th July to 02nd August

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All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2015" 
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from 
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

01st August Lammas - Northern Hemisphere
02nd Imbolc - Southern Hemisphere

31st July Full Moon
14th August New Moon

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 27th  
Waxing Moon  
Moon Phase: Second Quarter  
Colour: Silver
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Incense: Narcissus

Tuesday 28th 
Waxing Moon 
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Black
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Moon Enters: Capricorn 2:47 pm
Incense: Ginger

Wednesday 29th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Capricorn 
Incense: Marjoram

Thursday 30th 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Turquoise 
Moon Sign: Capricorn 
Moon Enters: Aquarius 5:40 pm
Incense: Jasmine

Friday 31st 
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Full (blue) Moon 6:43 am   
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Aquarius 
Incense: Mint

Saturday 01st August
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Third Quarter
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Aquarius 
Moon Enters: Pisces 6:36 pm
Incense: Ivy

Sunday 02nd  
Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere)              
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Third Quarter
Colour: Orange
Moon Sign: Pisces
Incense: Eucalyptus

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Oracle Card of the Day

'Your Purpose is Joy...'

"Your purpose has nothing to do with how you make a living.  That is your vocation,  mission,  or inspired passion - all worthy - but your purpose is much simpler and bigger.  Your purpose is joy. It's about discovering,  nurturing,  and celebrating who you truly are, and knowing and loving yourself at the deepest level. "

'Crazy Sexy Love Notes' by Kris Carr Artwork by Lori Portka