Tuesday 29 March 2016

New Tools: Cleansing And Consecrating

And when we say 'New' we don't just mean brand new, but new to you!  

It's very wise to cleanse and consecrate any new tools etc you have bought for your craft, be it a wand or a simple knife. We cleanse our tools to remove any unwanted energies and consecrate them to make them ours.

Before consecrating you should first cleanse your  tools. You can simply use sage smoke or moonlight. Some have even used sunlight to cleanse. Others may lay there tools on the Earth or sprinkle with well or spring water. You can also use sound. It needs to be a pure and clean sound such as tingsha bells.

I will often cleanse my tools after I have been doing any spellwork that may have left a negative aftertaste, so to speak, such as maybe banishing work or if you have been doing some major healing doe a serious illness.  And if I feel it is needed I will re consecrate my tools too.

As I said earlier when you gain any new tools etc, you should cleanse and then consecrate them. Here is a good site on consecrating your tools. And even if you have made the tools yourself, consecrating them ties them to you even more!

Monday 7 March 2016

Blessings and Welcome

Blessings and Welcome to Pagan Hare's Spiritual Home...

This is me, Pagan Hare and this is my blog! I have been walking this path of Witchcraft for many years now, at the time of writing this, almost 20 years. Though it has been in my family (mostly my mothers side) for a good many years as something unspoken. My great grandmother new many things about healing etc, as did my great aunt. My great aunt was a nurse, but she also knew the old ways of healing.

My maternal great grandfather was a man of the earth and respected it greatly. He was also a dowser. My maternal nanna (she hated grandmother), though never spoken off, also knew many things about healing, herbs etc. And I know she had seen spirits and spoken with them.

On my fathers side it is difficult to trace, but my fathers surname is the old gaelic word for witch, hag and wise woman.

In my immediate family, my mother, myself, both my sisters and my niece are witches. We are all mediums, healers and seek answers through divination. Like our great grandfather, we all use dowsers, also for divination.  and like my great grandmother, we are all Empathic.

So as Obi Wan Kenobi would say, the force runs strong in your family *chuckle*

To add to this I am also co-owner of the witchcraft and pagan online store Besom Magicalong with my sister. And I'm admin for the group Pagans of Avalon on Facebook. 

So as I said, this is my blog. Each week I post an almanac of Moon Correspondences. I also, as I get the chance, will write articles on various subjects, and some times share articles from others I think you'll enjoy!

Just click on the tabs at the top and you'll see the first part of various articles with links to their pages.

You can also follow me on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Have a blessed week

~ Pagan Hare )O(

Almanac 7th to 13th March Incl Magical Notes

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2016"
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST)
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Pagan's Magical Notes:    

Affirmation Stones

Ever looked at those lovely stones with  'power' words such as peace, love and dream and thought "I like those, but they don't sing to me"? Well it's not difficult to create your own affirmation stones with words and even images that resonate more personally with your own life or path. You choose need a couple of things. Your tools to create these are simple, especially if it's just words you want. 

  • A fine permanent pen (you'll fine these in most craft shops or online, and you can find them in many colours)
  • If you want to add coloured images - Some acrylic paints
  • Some artist varnish to seal and protect the paint. You can find this as a spray in either matt or gloss. Again in artists shops or online. If you buy in a jar, you will need a soft flat brush. And not heavy bristle. Something like the brushes in the image below and about 2' wide. No less that 1 1/2'
  • Plus, of course, some stones. These are better if they are flat and a reasonable size too. Around about the size of your palm 

Make sure your stones are smooth or you'll find it difficult to write on the surface and your stones are also clean. 

What you write is entirely up to you, these are your stones. If you are unsure, sit and meditate on this. Make notes of your ideas...or just write down, on paper, what comes into your head without too much thought. Just remember, once you have written onto your stone it's permanent and cannot be erased. So start on paper and  make sure you are happy with your words.

You will find creating these beautiful stones very calming and will allow you to think clearly. It is a very meditative activity. You may want some calm music playing in the background as you work. Some herbal tea, candles and incense such as lavender or white sage (you can buy this as incense sticks and cones). All these will help to clear your mind and make it a very enjoyable and quiet time.

This is also a lovely activity you can do with your children. Have them create their own special stones.

New Moon

Of course we also have a new moon this week on Tuesday. You will find here a link back to a previous posting with blessings etc for the new moon. Maybe some of these blessings will give you inspiration for you stones.

Click Here For Page

As it's the new moon I thought I would find an article that was different to what I normally post. So below is a segment and link to an article called "Understanding New Moon" by Deborah Byrd. And then this weeks correspondences follow.

Enjoy and have a blessed week.

~ Pagan )O(

Understanding New Moon

by Deborah Byrd

What is the ghostly image at the top of this post? It’s a new moon. Its lighted half is facing entirely away from Earth.

The image above is imaginary. It’s as if you flew in a spaceship to a place where you could see the night side of the moon. Why do we say imaginary? Because, when the moon is new, its night face is facing us on Earth … and we can’t see the moon at this time.
We can’t see the new moon from Earth, except during the stirring moments of a solar eclipse. Then the moon passes in front of the sun, and the night portion of the moon becomes visible to us, surrounded by the sun’s fiery corona.

Once each month, the moon comes all the way around in its orbit so that it is more or lessbetween us and the sun. If the moon always passed directly between the sun and Earth at new moon, a solar eclipse would take place every month. But that doesn’t happen every month. Instead, in most months, the moon passes above or below the sun as seen from our earthly vantage point.
The Complete Article

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

20th March Ostara (Spring Equinox - Northern Hemisphere (NH)
20th March Mabon (Autumn Equinox) - Southern Hemisphere (SH)

8th March New Moon
23rd March Full Moon
March Correspondences

Stone: Aquamarine, Jade, Bloodstone
Animal: Wolf or Cougar, Whale
Flower: Jonquil (aka Daffodil, Narcissus) 
Ruling Planer: Neptune, Jupiter
Zodiac: Aquarius

Colour Correspondences for the Colour of the Day

Whites: Element of Spirit, Purity, Protection, innocence, Cleansing,
Greens: Element of Earth, Money, Growth, Fertility, Healing, Abundance, Luck, Prosperity,
Oranges: Attraction, Success, Health, Wealth, Creativity, Charm, Abundance,
Yellows: Element of Air, Intellect, Confidence, Communication,
Reds: Element of Fire, Courage, Good Fortune, Passion, Health, Vigour,
Pinks: Love, Friendship, Mental Health, Forgiveness, Family,
Greys: Peace, Neutrality, Negatives
Browns: Element of Earth, Health, Home, Stability, Household Protection, Grounding, Protection,
Blues: Element of Water, Psychic Awareness, Peace, Calm, Renewal, Healing,
Black: Banishing, The Void, Negativity, Unblocking, Protection, Honour, Deep Meditation,

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 7th
Waning Moon  
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter 
Colour: Grey
Moon Sign: Aquarius 
Moon Enters: Pisces 2:08 pm
Incense: Lily

Tuesday 8th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: New Moon 8:54 pm
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Pisces
Incense: Geranium

Wednesday 9th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Pisces
Moon Enters: Aries 2:40 pm
Incense: Lilac

Thursday 10th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Purple
Moon Sign: Aries
Incense: Jasmine

Friday 11th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Pink
Moon Sign: Aries
Moon Enters: Taurus 2:44 pm
Incense: Mint

Saturday 12th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Black
Moon Sign: Taurus
Incense: Ivy

Sunday 13th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Amber
Moon Sign: Taurus
Moon Enters: Gemini 5:03 pm
Incense: Marigold