Sunday 31 January 2016

Almanac 1st to 7th February and Imbolc Magical Notes

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2016"
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST)
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

2nd February - Imbolc - Northern Hemisphere (NH)
2nd February - Lammas - Southern Hemisphere (SH)

8th February New Moon
22nd February Full Moon

February Correspondences

Stone: Amethyst
Animal: Otter
Flower: Violet, Primrose
Ruling Planer: Uranus
Zodiac: Aquarius

Magical Notes: 

Imbolc is a very special time as the earth is waking up. Life is starting anew and
the days are now growing longer. Though it is still cold and snowy, depending on
your location. Our winter has mostly consisted of rain and wind, and at times mild.
But the earth is now warming and spring/Ostara will soon be upon us. Just look around
you and you will notice the daffodils have broken through the cold earth and already
flowering in some places. Catkins are already forming on Willows and leaf buds and making
themselves known.

Earlier I posted I posted a short article on Cleansing your home and yourself. You could
add this to your day of honouring Brighid and Imbolc and making a fresh start. Awakening
yourself and your home from the winter slumber.

Have a blessed Imbolc and may all your seeds grow strong and bountiful!

~ Pagan )O(

From Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2016

During this sabbat we honor the Goddess Brigid, the protector of hearth, home,
healers, and smiths. Imbolc falls during a time of great cold ice, and snow. But
deep within the earth life is beginning to stir, and above the earth the hours
of daylight begin to increase. This is a sabbat of fire and light. Honor Brigid by
building a fire in your fireplace or cauldron.

            Remove any holiday greenery left from Yule and burn it in an act of
purification. If you have a cornhusk doll from Lammas, it may also be burned.
Save its ashes and sprinkle them in the garden during spring planting.

            As night begins to fall light a new white candle. Carry it through your home,
pausing as you pass a window, a door, or a mirror. Place the candle on a table. To
honor the increasing light surround it with several small mirrors; let the candle burn.
As it burns, think of the light that burns inside of you. Think of the light you, which
fuels your creativity and imagination. Take a moment to thank Brigid for these things.

            End your celebration by making some hot chocolate. Be sure to top it with plenty
of whipped cream or marshmallows.

~ James Kambos

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 1st
Waning Moon  
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter 
Colour: Lavender
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Incense: Narcissus

Tuesday 2nd
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter 
Colour: Gray
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Moon Enters: Sagittarius 10:50 am
Incense: Basil

Wednesday 3rd
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Incense: Bay Laurel

Thursday 4th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Turquoise
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Moon Enters: Capricorn 7:44 pm
Incense: Jasmine

Friday 5th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Purple
Moon Sign: Capricorn
Incense: Violet

Saturday 6th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Capricorn
Incense: Magnolia

Sunday 24th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Yellow
Moon Sign: Capricorn
Moon Enters: Aquarius 12:59 am

Incense: Frankincense

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