Monday 11 January 2016

Almanac 11th to 17th January

All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2016
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from 
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe

All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST) 
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)

Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons

2nd February Imbolc - Northern Hemisphere (NH)
2nd February Lammas - Southern Hemisphere (SH)

23rd January Full Moon
8th February New Moon

January Correspondences

Stone: Garnet 
Animal: Snow Goose or Owl, Bear
Flower: Carnation and Snowdrop
Ruling Planer: Saturn

Magical Notes:  

A Little Magic for Your House Plants

Though technically not magic this is still magical as it’s nature working as one, as it 
were. And those of us who are Kitchen, Green or Hedge Witches (though I see 
myself as all, or simply just a Witch), this is the kind of thing we would think of as it 
is working with nature in a natural way. And what is this? Water! Not just any old 
water, but one full of wonderful nutrients your house plants will thrive on.

Simply save your UNSALTED potato water and the water from pasta 
(again this must be unsalted and no oil). Allow it too cool and water your house plants. 
They will love it. We have a Poinsettia (tall plant back centre in picture) we've had we've 2 years now. We thought we were going to lose it around September. Then I started to 
water it with this magical water. Even though it doesn't look like a Poinsettia now, it has 
been putting out loads of new growth and it’s leaves are succulent and green. Our 
Peace Lilly’s will need to be re-potted as they've grown so much. So forget that shop 
bought food and feed your house plants with Mother Natures own!

Enjoy and have a blessed and loved week )O(

~ Pagan Hare

Chill Out

We live in a complicated world, where people and events are often aggravating, frustrating, and downright unpleasant. The television brings us graphic scenes of bad news, the people we share our lives with can drive us crazy, and sometimes the universe itself seems like it is out to get us. This can get us “hot under the collar” and once you are heated up,it can be difficult to cool back down. But all the evidence shows that this kind of constant stress is bad for us, physically, mentally, and yes, spiritually. Use this spell when you need to chill out a little, using the cool of winter to help you regain your own inner cool. If you want, you can even stand outside on a cold day and breath deep of the cold (or colder, depending on where you live) winter air. 

Cooling, calming, winter air
Blow away fear and despair
Banish anger, calm my soul
Make my shattered spirit whole
Cool the fire that burns within
Slow the endless mental spin
Chill the season, chill I’ll be
Cloaked in winter’s harmony

~ Deborah Blake

The Moon and Correspondences For This Week

Monday 11th
Waxing Moon  
Moon Phase: First Quarter  
Colour: Ivory
Moon Sign: Aquarius
Incense: Clary Sage

Tuesday 12th
Waxing Moon 
Moon Phase: First Quarter  
Colour: Red
Moon Sign: Aquarius
Moon Enters: Pisces 6:53 pm 
Incense: Bayberry

Wednesday 13th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter 
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Pisces
Incense: Marjoram

Thursday 14th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter 
Colour: Green
Moon Sign: Pisces
Moon Enters: Aries 9:48 pm
Incense: Balsam

Friday 15th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Purple
Moon Sign: Aries
Incense: Mint

Saturday 16th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 6:26 pm
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Aries
Incense: Sage

Sunday 17th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter 
Colour: Gold
Moon Sign: Aries
Moon Enters: Taurus 12:48 am
Incense: Hyacinth

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