All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2015"
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe
All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST)
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)
Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons
21st Yule - Winter Solstice - Northern Hemisphere (NH)
21st Litha - Summer Solstice and Southern Hemisphere (SH)
11th November New Moon
25th October Full Moon
Magical Notes:
As I sit here typing up this weeks blog and sipping my Yogi Herbal tea the wind is howling outside my window and the Autumn leaves are dancing around our gardens. Something I love to do is stand out in the wind. I always feel she is blowing away the cobwebs in my mind and blowing away my troubles. Cleansing. Maybe this is a good day to go for a walk amongst the trees. Am I the only one who feels that the Goddess is speaking to me when the wind blows? I suspect not, after all reading the wind is a know age old form of divination. but I digress.
This week we have a new moon and I have included some ideas for you to read and a link to a new Moon ritual.
I hope you enjoy this weeks blog.
Blessings for the New Moon
~ Pagan hare )O(
The New Moon
The new moon is the ideal time for making changes, such as moving home, a new job or relationship. Many witches like to cast spells during this time to help bring new changes in their lives, to bring new beginnings. If there are things you wish to be rid of, things that are negative in your life, you would set the ball rolling as it were, during the waning moon; and then when you come to the new moon you would turn that negative situation into a positive one. This next two days are waning and the new moon phase comes on Wednesday. Take the opportunity of these couple of days to set that ball rolling. Meditate on those things you wish to go, to be changed. Write them down. Burning the paper in a banishing spell or ritual and then meditate on what you would like to bring new into your life and on the new moon work to bring that new change. That positive in your life.
Below the correspondences I have added spell examples, chants, a segment of a ritual plus link to the full ritual and incense.
The Moon and Correspondences For This Week
Monday 9th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Gray
Moon Sign: Libra
Moon Enters; Scorpio 11:02 pm
Incense: Hyssop
Tuesday 10th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: Fourth Quarter
Colour: Maroon
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Incense: Cinnamon
Wednesday 11th
Waning Moon
Moon Phase: New Moon 12:47 pm
Colour: Topaz
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Incense: Marjoram
Thursday 12th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Moon Enters: Sagittarius 10:14 am
Incense: Jasmine
Friday 13th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Rose
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Incense: Cypress
Saturday 14th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Brown
Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Moon Enters: Capricorn 7:21 pm
Incense: Patchouli
Sunday 15th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: First Quarter
Colour: Gold
Moon Sign: Capricorn
Incense: Marigold
The New Moon - Spells, Chants, Ritual and Incense:
At The New Moon:
*Create Something
*Release Something
*Renew Something
*Begin Something
New activities
New jobs
New relationships
Money matters
New friendships
Legal matters
New Moon Chants:
Silver flowing,
Pale moon glowing,
Growing, showing
Love for me.
Pale moon glowing,
Growing, showing
Love for me.
On the New Moon of November night
New beginnings are now in sight.
The dark Goddess watches over me
To release my past and let me be free.
memories that hurt me yesterday
Will not hurt me tomorrow
I will soon be healed of my sorrow.
Honoured crone of the night
I call upon you to put things right.
Transform my negative thoughts and pain
let my life be whole again.
When i wake in the light of morn
Let my spirit be reborn.
Say 3 times:
Moon of renewal, Moon with no light, Join with me (us), On this darkened night!
New Moon Rituals:
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Artwork Copyright Joanna Powell Colbert |
The time of the new moon is a time of new beginnings. This period also represents the youthful aspect of the Goddess. In the form of the Maiden, she represents youth, change and a fresh start. Children can also be Named and Dedications can be made. New Moons are great times to move, start new projects or cast new spells. It is also a good time to shed your past ills and to refresh yourself for coming trials.
The New Moon can be thought of as a time of learning. Don't be hesitant to try new spells at this time. You might also like to set in motion house protections or wards. Some Wiccans celebrate the exact night of Dark Moon by honoring the Crone aspect of the Goddess (such as Hecate), focusing on lessons they have learned in the past cycle and banishing negativity from their lives
New Moon Incense Recipes:
New Moon Incense #1
3 parts Frankincense
1 part Sandalwood
New Moon Incense #2
4 parts Sandalwood
2 parts Wood Aloe
1 part Eucalyptus
1 part Mugwort
1 Part pulverized Cucumber seed
1/2 part Ranunculus Blossoms
1 part Jasmine
A few drops Ambergis Oil
Moon Incense #3
2 parts Myrrh
2 parts Gardenia Petals
1 part Rose petals
1 part lemon peel
1/2 part Camphor
A few drops Jasmine
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