I was watching a programme today about Agatha Christie. They were trying to crack her code, trying to see what made her tick! One of the things they looked at was one of her notebooks (which have never ever been seen by the public before). In this wonderful book they found notes about her books and also shopping lists.
This made me think on how revealing a notebook can be about an individual. So I started to think about my notebook I keep in my bag, what is in it. I will list some of what is in it in a moment...So what's in your little notebook you keep in your bag. The one that goes everywhere with you. The one you use for shopping lists etc...(Not the one you only keep spells or recipes in! lol)
I went through my book and numbered the pages to make life a little easier! lol So what does
This made me think on how revealing a notebook can be about an individual. So I started to think about my notebook I keep in my bag, what is in it. I will list some of what is in it in a moment...So what's in your little notebook you keep in your bag. The one that goes everywhere with you. The one you use for shopping lists etc...(Not the one you only keep spells or recipes in! lol)
I went through my book and numbered the pages to make life a little easier! lol So what does
Page 1:
At the top of the page it says Nana and is followed by a short shopping list of such things as Ham, Chicken and Smoked Haddock (my last shopping list for Nana before she died)
A note of a nusery name "Smiley Faces"..It's bracketd and underlined so I don't forget it
Another shopping list
At the bottom of the page and upside down is a not of "Rouraksh"...No idea what this is! lol
Page 2:
A note of a DS game called "The Settlers" and also "CSI: Dark Motives"
A friends address
A pagan book tittle and authors name
And another book tht is a witchcraft book
There's a couple of notes of YouTube videos "Bill Baily - Chaucer Pub Gag" and "The Usage Of The Word Fuck"
Page 5:
Old Xmas list of families gifts (well some of them lol)
Page 11: 7th Febraury 2008
It's a poem that I have written and curiously crossed out....
Why do I not remember
The things that you have
Of a life that has long
Since past.
Why is it so hard to have
The voice that I know
So well, speak softly in my head?
Why do all these precious things
Seem as thin as
Right at the bottom of this, not crossed out is:
A number now redundant
In my phone, that will belong
To another some time soon
All this refers to the reacent loss of my Nana
Page 15:
Some notes of old family names on my maternal grandparents side...Family search me thinks!
Page 17:
More notes on witchcraft and Pagan books!
Page 20:
As with page 17
Page 23:
A note I made to ask a fellow Pagan Fedration Officer a question!
Page 24:
Some notes I made about a bannishing spell using herbs etc and a picture and also how to make some magical herb preporations.
Page 31:
Another poem..Not crossed out..dated 18th April 2008
My breath..cold..shallow
Life. Soul. Breath. Darkness
Darkness closing around me
Life the cape of the reaper
Cold, Lifelss and Without
My breath. Hollow whispers in
My inner soul. It speaks to
Me of things that could.
Should, have been.
Whispers so cold. So Hollow.
So lonely. Hidden. Lost
Note from me: I need to get these written down properly, it was the first time I'd written in ages. One of the things known by only a few...I'm a published poet!
Page 35:
More notes on witchcraft/pagan books (there's a lot of these through out my notebook)and an friends email addy.
Pages 46 & 47:
A list of my brothers PS3 games
Page 50 to 56:
Notes from my reacent Pedriatric First Aid classes
Page 59 - 60
My packing list for my last holiday!
Page 63/64:
Dated 23rd August 2009
A spell I wrote whilst on holiday! Ingredients and words!
I think that will do for now! lol So what does this say about me then?
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