All information from "Llewellyn's Magical Almanac 2015"
Colour and Incense based on information used by Llewellyn from
Personal Almanac by Amber Wolfe
All times are Eastern Standard (US) Time (EST)
or Eastern Daylight (US) Time (EDT)
Next Sabbats and Full/New Moons
01st May Beltane - Northern Hemisphere
01st May Samhain - Southern Hemisphere
03rd May Full Moon
18th May New Moon
The Moon and Correspondences For This Week
Monday 27th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Lavender
Moon Sign: Leo
Moon Enters: Virgo 9:07 am
Incense: Hyssop
Tuesday 28th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Red
Moon Sign: Virgo
Incense: Bayberry
Wednesday 29th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: White
Moon Sign: Virgo
Incense: Honeysuckle
Thursday 30th
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Turquoise
Moon Sign: Virgo
Moon enters: Libra 10:03 am
Incense: Nutmeg

Beltane - May day
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter
Colour: Coral
Moon Sign: Libra
Incense: Rose
Saturday 02nd
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Second Quarter

Moon Sign: Libra
Moon enters; Scorpio 9:47 pm
Incense: Rue
Sunday 03rd
Waxing Moon
Moon Phase: Full Moon 11:42 pm
Colour: Gold
Moon Sign: Scorpio
Incense: Juniper
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