This, like my Mabon ritual, had been the first Full Moon Ritual I’d done in a while. I kept it simple, nothing too over the top or elaborate, that is some thing I don’t do, as I don’t feel it necessary to be honest. This ritual started at about 11:30 and not finished around 1am.
I found out my simple white cloth for the table, my crystal ball, a lovely glass globe paperweight that has a moon like bubble within it and my clear glass marble that I sat in a silvery tea light burner that has a lid with a star on top.
I then retrieved my scrying bowl from my bedroom alter. It’s been the home of my smudge stick and so has a duel purpose. I would imagine now that there will be those who will read this and be completely aghast at my total disrespect for the scrying bowl. Well to me and for me, tools can and do have multiple purposes. Such as today’s athame in days of old would not just have been a tool of ritual, but a tool of the kitchen too. It would have chopped vegetables, meat, as well as herbs and possibly flowers. The besom would not only, if they did such a thing, cleanse the ritual space, but swept the kitchen floor and outside entrance. So for me today is no different. Oh don’t get me wrong, I don’t cut my food, unless it is ritual food, with my athame. But I don’t have a special knife for cutting such things as herbs. I use my athame for that, so therefore my athame is sharp!
So, after my small detour of subject, we return to the subject in hand, the full moon ritual.
I then lit my candles and sat for a while to gather my thoughts and look up at the moon. After a short while I picked up my shaker and starting on the outside and walking in a deosil spiral, I worked my way towards the centre all the time shaking my Sharman shaker. Once I’d reached the centre I turned to face east and shuck the shaker in its direction, I repeated this for south, west and finally earth. I replaced upon the alter, the shaker and then I started to light the 4 incense sticks; dedicating each to ancestors, family, pet friends, protectors of our home, spirits and the Gods.
When it came to things I said I cannot share as I don’t remember. I never wrote anything up for the ritual; it was off the cuff, as you might say. It was something spontaneous rather than planned. After my verbal dedications I picked up the bowl and sat down with the moon light reflect in it. I did the same with my crystal ball; making mental notes of thoughts and feelings.
Before I was getting ready to finish; I had a second and final encounter with my friend. Once again I heard him behind me, but this time he moved within a foot of me. He stopped, his features lit up by the silvery moonlight. I could see every detail. He watched me for a moment and started to make a low grunting sound. I slowing reached to my side and grabbed a little bread and put close, but as I turned back to him he was scuttling back towards the bushes.
Now it was time to bring the proceedings to an end. I read out my short list, towards the moon and then burnt it in the burner, and watched the smoke gracefully float towards the sky. I then used the cider to send my blessings to the spirits, the Gods and so forth, drinking a little each time and then finally pouring what was left into the Earth as a thank you.
I took the shaker once more and moved to the centre and started to walk in a widdershins spiral back to the outside edge, shaking the shaker as I slowly moved around. I then shook it at each of the elements; starting with North and finally finishing at East.
I was a very special evening, full of emotions and delightful encounters, and one I hope will be as special next month.
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