Today is Valentines Day. But not only that. It's my birthday. and this year i decided to do something that I have never done before. I created a special birthday altar.
As I'd never done one before I had a look around on Google to see what others had done and I found almost nothing except one a mother did for her 5 year olds birthday. So in the end I just used my experience.

My Birthday Altar
The birthday altar will probably be one of your most personal as this altar literally reflects you. Or it should do. After all, this is YOUR day. So firstly I looked at the month I was born. For me violet is the key word in colour, flowers and incense and in crystals Amethyst. And it's also Valentines Day. So I started with:

- A cloth that was violet in colour
- An Amethyst crystal
- And for my incense I chose Lavender. It's the closest in colour to violet. But for my it's a favourite flower and scent. Remember this is a personal altar
- A picture of Brighid as my birthday falls in the month of Imbolc
- A tarot card The Star as is this represents my birth sign Aquarius The Water Barer
- Hearts scattered on my altar and hanging on the wall for Valentines Day
- A lavender candle
- And of course it's my birthday, so a small cake with a candle (for the spell)
After those choices everything is literally personal to me. So this is also what is on my altar.

- A picture of myself as a baby with my Grandad Newton
- A picture of myself with myself. I used this picture because I have a camera in my hand and like Doctor Who, it has been with me all my life, photography not that camera lol I am a creative individual and photography is just one outlet for that creativity. The younger me in the picture is 5 years old
- I wanted flowers on my altar, so I chose yellow tulips. Again a personal favourite.
- A green cloth and a single green ribbon because I love green
- The is a small Buddha, because it was because of Buddhism I found the path to Paganism
- A TARDIS because Doctor Who has been with me all my life and I am still a fan
- A Torchwood ID card with Captain Jack Harkness, This represents two things. I became a fan of Torchwood via Doctor Who and it was because of John Barrowman aka Captain Jack, that I stepped out of the closet.
- A Rainbow googly eyed thing (I have yet yo identify) it's something I was given at the last Gay Pride I attended last year. Because I am gay
So that's my very personal altar. I set it up last night and when I sat and looked I confess to shedding a tear because this was part of who I am. Not all of me, but a part and it's very emotional I think when you see it like that. Especially when it's yourself that has done this.
So remember, when you do your birthday altar it's YOU that you should see there. Some of the things that mirrors the person you see yourself as.
Of course this wouldn't be a birthday altar with out a birthday wish spell!
Birthday Wish Spell
Firstly, i don't claim this spell as my own. I liked it because it's a lovely and in truth, a very old spell as we have been doing this for a very long time. So nobody can claim it as their own on the internet.
So now, nobody wants to be doing too much on their birthday. You want to relax and chill out with those you love, and this lovely and simple spell reflects that. This is all about the wish. now you could do this when you have your party. But for me this was personal moment. So I chose to have a small cake in my room. And an extra one for my party :P
For this spell all you need is:
- A candle. This doesn't need to be a big candle. One you would have on your cake is ideal. This technically should be a colour that represents you, such as your birth colour. In my case that's violet. But it's not always possible. So I chose a white one and has another candle that was the right colour on my altar (to tell the truth I wanted a candle on my cake :) )
- A cake. Well of course! It's your birthday! Mine is a red velvet cake. again reflecting the Valentines Day theme.
As I said, this is all about the wish. So light your candles. I lit all mine on the altar, as well as the one on my cake.
Close your eyes and think about your wish. When you have it, say the following and then blow out the candle.

"A year has come,
A years has passed,
I'll make my birthday wish at last,
Magic powers old and new,
Make my birthday wish come true!"
Blow out your candle!
I then added:
"I cast this spell with harm to non,
so mote it be my spell is done!"
And there we are. One simple spell, that is as old as the hills themselves! Enjoy your birthday! And now I shall join my family and await my sister Raven Moon and her hubby to arrive!
Pagan Hare