A year ago last January I lost my dear Nana Newton (pictured below). I loved her dearly and had come very close to her in the last few years, especially after the loss of my grandad some 15 years ago. It was a terrible shock as it seemed so sudden.
I felt, as we all do when we lose someone dear, that I didn't talk to her as much as I could have, always felt I had the time I guess. The loss is still painful when I think on it enough, as did this pang of regret. So now I keep a sort of diary, though I call it by a different name, "Dear Nana."
It came about because of my job. A year ago last November I had been made redundant and it really up[set her because she knew how much the job had meant to me. We spoke of it frequently when I'd go and see her on a Friday, and it's something I miss. Yes I know, I've already said I didn't feel we spoke enough, but don't we all. But I miss telling of things in my life and really missed telling her about my new job. SO I wrote her a letter, litrally. I never sent it anywhere, just kept it. It felt so good I decided to expand on it and now have a book and every so often I write to my Nana (and Grandad) about things in my life.
SO if anyone who reads this feels a huge whole in their life because of such a loss, try writting to them. It really helps!